Change of Primary Concentration

Students desiring to change their primary concentration should do as follows:

1. Fill out a Drop Concentration Request Form
Please note that all students wishing to change their primary concentration and ECON students wishing to change to General Economics must fill out this online form.

2. Next, if you wish to change your primary concentration, you will need to submit a new Concentration Declaration Form declaring your new concentration. Please note that this form is for all concentrations, with the exception of Accounting, Entrepreneurship and General Economics.

  • For students wishing to change their concentration to Accounting, email Professor James Kaney at to meet virtually with him and obtain an Accounting Declaration form.
  • For students wishing to change their concentration to Entrepreneurship, please visit the Entrepreneurship Concentration website for more information.
  • Economics students wishing to change into General Economics simply have to drop their current concentration with the form above.